Michael Carroll

Full Stack Engineer,React/Node.js,Solidity Dev

Name: Michael Manzano Carroll

Profile: Full Stack Engineer

Email: michaelcarroll1999@gmail.com

Phone: +1(941)867-0610 (Whatsapp)

GitHub: MichaelC1999

About me

I am a self-taught Full Stack Engineer, with proficiency in React, Node.js, GraphQL, and Python. I have 2 years of professional experience developing applications for clients as a freelance software engineer.

In terms of general programming experience, I have worked with various languages, libraries, and syntaxes for more than five years. Blockchain technology has been an interest of mine since 2016, Im interested in developing on both traditional and blockchain based infrastructures.


Messari | Feb 2022 - May 2023: Built numerous validation tools and dashboards to visualize data indexed through Messari's subgraph project. The main project I have worked on is subgraphs.xyz, a desktop app which helps developers detect issues and pick out inconsistencies in their data. While this was my main role, I also built numerous data apps for protocols such as Uniswap. I accomplished this using a Python package that I have made major contributions to.

Quicksilver Systems Inc | May 2021 - Dec 2021: Hired to build insurance systems. Using Node, EJS, and MySQL I was part of a team building a full system for insurance companies. This included quote calculation, claim processing, and policy management among other features. This role had me collaborating with senior developers and directly reporting system status to the contracting insurance startups.




Solidity offers wide flexibility amongst EVM compatible chains, I take advantage of this by deploying my contracts on numerous different blockchains. I have written contracts that involve ERC-20 tokens and ERC-721 NFTs.


Although I have played around with common alternatives to all of these technologies, my main stack for interfacing/interacting with blockchains in a web browser includes MetaMask, Ethers.js, Web3Modal, and Hardhat.

Frontend - React

Making use of add-ons such as Redux, routing, and sockets, React is my favorite framework that I use to build an efficient interactive client-side for websites.

Backend - Node.js

For writing server code, I prefer Node.js with Express.js to receive requests and process data. I setup my servers as REST API's and test them with Postman.


Although I have experience using SQL to manage more structured data, non-SQL databases (MongoDB) offer better flexibility and are my default DB solution.


All of my applications are built with various forms of JavaScript. I learned JavaScript with ES6 syntax, and I am familiar with various libraries and syntaxes such as JSX.